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Welcome to Hinesburg Community School

Hinesburg Community School

10888 Route 116
PHONE: (802) 482-2106
FAX: (802) 482-2003

School Starts at 7:45am

Changes in Attendance? Please email: or call 802-482-2106, option 1

Wednesday Early Dismissal: Students will be dismissed from school one hour earlier every Wednesday, to allow for Teacher Professional Development.

School Day

School Handbook


Food Service and Menu

CVSD School Year Calendar

Get to know HCS Administration
HCS Co-Principal PreK-4

Suzan Locke
(802) 482-6299

HCS Co-Principal 5-8
Tim Trevithick
(802) 482-6298

HCS Special Education Administrator
Alicia Kurth
(802) 482-6200

Administrative Assistant
Deb Lavalette
(802) 482-6200

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We welcome your feedback at any time. All feedback will be routed to the appropriate district team members, who will follow up with you within 3 business days. CVSD is committed to connecting with students, families, staff, and community members to provide exceptional and equitable experiences.   Try it and Connect With Us.